Tag: Jay Vegas


Yo Yo Yo! We’re very happy to announce www.veryfunkyrecords.com has found a new residence in Brighton.  Every Friday @ Maloolah Bah.  We present “GO FUNK YOURSELF”.  Brighton’s most exciting new Friday night free event.  We build the night slowly with some Classic Funk and Disco from such artists as James Brown, MJ, Chic, Fred Wesley

The Beard Kings

Beard Facts: 1 Peter the Great, enamored of Western ways, encouraged cleanshavenness among Russians by imposing a tax on beards. Noblemen paid 100 rubles a year for a medallion that served as a beard license and carried the inscription: “The beard is a useless burden.”  2 Talk about being “in the cross hairs.” In the early ’60s,

Go Funk Yourself…

Ron Burgundy is everywhere! Promoting the Dodge Durango, presenting an award to Eminem at the recent EMAs and even riding a bike through the streets with Daft Punk.  His continued presence is a subtle reminder for us all to stay classy. B Side – Doin It Right Alphabetcity -Mtume – So You Wanna Be A