Go Funk Yourself

Finally an X-men movie has arrived that doesn’t punch you in the stomach take your money and leave you with the same empty feeling Andy Dufresne received after failing to fight off the prison sisters.  A plot with so many potential loop holes “Days Of Future Past” does well to hold to together the time travel premise on which it is based.  We are plunged into a bleak future where mutants are hunted by the now fully adaptable sentinels that you last saw on screen in the really very good X-men cartoons.  If your a full time geek then you will probably correct me by saying “actually they last appeared in the comic book no…….. blah blah blah nerd nerd nerd”. Peter Dinklidge plays the mutant hating scientist responsible for the rise of the Sentinels and story lines of previous characters are woven together to create a future that Wolverine is sent back to try and prevent.  Flares, big collars and Richard Nixon feature in possibly the most complete X movie of them all.  You just need to ignore the recent child abuse allegations aimed at the director Bryan Singer.  Hmm Awkward!


Bryan Singer allegations update

The Siege Of Sidney Street

John Oliver’s view’s on FIFA



Inter brand cereal  / iconic toy relationship!
