Undercover Boss

Undercover boss is a wonderful bit of PR.  If you own a medium to large organisation, have a penchant for a wee bit of espionage and want to ultimately come across as the most generous, switched on and empathetic Director ever? Sign up your Hotel Chain, Fast food Joint or Gym brand now.  The  tiny problems you will encounter whilst working undercover will pale into insignificance when it comes to  the end of the show and you surprise the hard working,  minimum wage slaves who you have employed and who are finding it hard to cope with their lives.  The problems they have encountered can be swept away in a moment of pure genrosity!  The question remains however, what will the outcome be when the camera is switched off and you’re approached by other members of your staff? Maybe complaining of a child to put through college, a Grand Mother with medical bills, or even a broken down car.  Will you so willingly pour money from you wallet into theirs?  Will you leap from your desk screaming “How Can I Help you”? Will you move Heaven and Earth for your overworked and under appreciated team? I seriously fucking doubt it!

"O Face"

“O Face”


Man walked like a dog through the streets of London.

Escaped Bear in Chechyna




"Peter Whats Happening?"

“Peter Whats Happening…?”

