Goodbye Egon

Here is another Hollywood actor and entertainer who has seemingly passed on to soon.  My favorite “Harold Ramis” film, possibly my favorite film ever is ‘Ground Hog Day’.  Ironically a movie about the same day happening over and over again, and it is the film I watch most over and over again.  ‘Egon’ from ‘Ghost Busters’ is how most people will remember Harold, and arguably for all the actors involved in that movie they too will be forever stuck in time wearing the boiler suits and Proton Packs, dodging spooks and saving the world.  Goodbye Egon.

"Doh Ray - Egon"

“Doh Ray – Egon”


This link below  is Harold Ramis discussing the many potential metaphors of “Ground Hog Day”, worth a look!

Harold Ramis on the Metaphor of Ground Hog Day