Daily archives: December 2nd, 2013

Four To The Flour – Disco

Do animals have a concept of time?  Are they aware how long they’ve been engaged in any particular activity?  Should I continue writing just for writing’s sake?  How about a Batman TV series quote?* Robin: Picked up the seal pulsator yet, Batman? Batman: We’re still over land Robin, and a seal is an aquatic, marine

Four To The Floor – Episode 16

Sad news about Paul Walker but how many unknown faceless people are needlessly killed everyday in wars, accidents and atrocities? If your reading this it means your alive,  Carpe diem!  Get out there, hire a red  Porsche GT! Go nuts…   Sean Biddle- The Night Life (Original Mix) https://soundcloud.com/bidmuzik/sean-biddle-the-night-life Cheets – Strut  Gang Gang Dance –